As an expert in authentic leadership behavior...
...and its influence on employee job performance, I want to educate leaders. My goal is to discuss the significance of ethics, morals, and transparency among leaders and how they set the tone for the organization, and the influence on employee performance.
My presentation examines the Authentic Leadership Theory. As a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership combined with 8 years of experience as a director, supervisor, and manager, I have the knowledge to educate other leaders. Employees are suffering, and companies are losing talented employees or paying out settlements at the hands of negative behaviors of leaders. My research found that employees stated that job performance was positively influenced when leaders made ethical and moral decisions to benefit the organization, displayed relational transparency, offered consistent communication to staff, implemented appropriate policies and procedures in a timely fashion, and allowed employees to participate in the decision-making process.
Therefore, it is necessary to educate organizations on authentic leadership to begin to change the narrative to create positive workplace culture, better employee performance, and competent leadership.

Dr. Sherrie A. Johnson is an expert in organizational leadership and communication and on how authentic leader behavior affects employee job performance. She is an authority on leading and communicating in a global environment and has competency in leadership. As a teacher, consultant, and executive coach, Dr. Johnson shows individuals, universities, and/or companies how to communicate, develop talent, and provide organizational effectiveness. Her research focuses on authentic leadership and how it positively affects employees’ job performance in an organization.
Dr. Johnson has served in a leadership capacity as a director for local government, secondary and K-12 public education organizations, and corporate communications. She has also served as part of the executive management teams in leadership roles. This position involved overseeing communications and applying advanced management principles with a critical impact on citizens and the organization.
Dr. Johnson has supervised award-winning teams and managed all facets of communication. She is also an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist with twenty years of experience in the reporting/anchoring field with local and national news organizations.
She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and majored in Journalism and Mass Communication received her Master’s in Communications degree from Johns Hopkins University and obtained a Doctor of Education from Grand Canyon University in Organizational Leadership.

Authentic Leadership and the Influence on Employee Performance.
Speaking to leaders about authentic leadership behavior and the importance of ethical and moral leadership and the influence on employees' job performance.
My research found that employees stated that job performance was positively influenced when leaders made ethical and moral decisions to benefit the organization, displayed relational transparency, offered consistent communication to staff, implemented appropriate policies and procedures in a timely fashion, and allowed employees to participate in the decision-making process.
Therefore, it is necessary to educate organizations on authentic leadership to begin to change the narrative to create positive workplace culture, better employee performance, and competent leadership.


Leaders Communication in the Workforce
This talk focuses on the importance of effective communication of leaders to employees and the influence on job performance. Often leaders do not effectively communicate to employees and this affects job performance.
Employees must be informed with information to adequately accomplish tasks, assignments and carry out the vision and mission of the organization. This talk discusses the importance of keeping employees informed and ways to disseminate information to employees.
Life after Journalism.
This talk will discuss ways to market yourself and find a job after leaving the news industry. I made the transition from television reporter/anchor to public relations and executive management. After 20 years as a broadcast reporter and anchor, I decided that it was time for a change. I left television news and began a new career in communications and public relations. I went on to obtain a master’s degree in Communications and a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership. I can help journalists navigate the career change to market themselves for positions with the skillsets they have learned as journalists.